Jumat, 30 November 2018


A. Complain Letter
          A Complaint letter is a request for an adjustment. In other words, it is a letter that describes the damage; errors or mistakes happened to the delivered goods and therefore claims for compensation is known to be a complaint letter.
In the modern age, the chain of business is not limited within the boundary of the country. As business is expanding, its complexities are also increasing. So, mistake or fault is not a strange matter in the arena of business. There may be a wrong delivery of goods shipment of obsolete, poor quality or underweight goods, faulty packing, delivery after the specified date and other damages to the goods shipped. In the above cases, a buyer is supposed to suffer financial loss and therefore he has every reason to complain to the seller demanding compensation. Hence a letter is used to serve such purpose is called complaint letter.
          To draft such a letter, buyer must have valid grounds to explain that he has suffered financial loss or otherwise there will be misunderstanding which may damage business relation buyer requires special care with the art of convincing the seller. Clarity and courtesy are the important factors to write a letter of complaint. The complaint should be made politely without showing any sign of anger.
          The following are usual causes for which a complaint letter is drafted:
1. Problem with the delivered goods: If the goods that are delivered are :
a. Underweight,
b. Obsolete,
c. Defective,
d. Incomplete,
e. Not according to buyer’s specification such as color, brand, size etc.
f. Wrong or poor quality; then a buyer can make a claim to the seller for the mistake.
2.Pricing: If there is any mistake in preparing the invoice of the shipped goods, then such letter is written.
3. Packing: Faulty or poor packing of the goods causes damage to the goods which can be claimed by the seller.
4. Transport: Goods are supposed to be shipped according to the convenience of the buyer. But if the wrong carrier is used it may call for writing such letter.
5. Terms & Condition: If the terms and condition of business are violated by the seller then such a letter is placed.
6. Faulty Insurance: If insurance coverage is not made properly according to an instruction of the buyer, then there may be claim through complaint letter.
On the above grounds, a buyer can complain but it must be in a decent and polite way.
Example :

B. Application Letter

          A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.
A letter of application typically provides detailed information on why are you are qualified for the job you are applying for. Effective application letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences.
Your application letter should let the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.
When writing an application letter you should include :
First Paragraph: Why you are writing – mention the job you are applying for and where you found the listing.
Middle Paragraph(s): What you have to offer the employer – mention why your skills and experience are a good fit for the job.
Last Paragraph: Say thank you to the hiring manager for considering you and note how you will follow up.


1. What is complaint letter??
A Complaint letter is a request for an adjustment. In other words, it is a letter that describes the damage; errors or mistakes happened to the delivered goods and therefore claims for compensation is known to be a complaint letter.
2. How do I file a complaint against the service? By letter of complaint.
3. How to convince the company to the truth complaint?
a. Through evidence of transactions
b. Include purchase receipt
c. If the complaint, damage can include photographic evidence, and show the agreement
4. the cause for the complaint letter is ??
Problem with the delivered goods, Pricing, Packing, Transport, Terms & Condition, and Faulty Insurance
5. how to make a complaint letter that is good and correct?
The complaint letter should be made politely without showing any sign of anger.

1. what is application letter??
A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.
2. What information should you have in your application letter that the employer must know ??
Your application letter should let the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.
3. what's the contents in the second paragraph on the cover letter ??
What you have to offer the employer – mention why your skills and experience are a good fit for the job.
4. An application letter is also referred to ?
As CV or Curricullum Vitae or Job Application Letter or Cover letter
5. What is the purpose of the application letter??
The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to an organization, demonstrate your interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw attention to your resume and motivate the reader to interview you. Often thisletter is the first contact you have with a prospective employer.


Minggu, 11 November 2018


Definition of Inquiry letter
A letter of request, also known as a letter or letters of interesting candidates, will be sent to the companies. Letter of request is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information about the products offered. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, and the sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a written request to the seller.
When a prospective buyer has to know the condition of the goods / services following the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he did not need to ask for a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade demand formal procedures in writing. Letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transactions. Through a letter of inquiry to ask a potential buyer or to request information about the goods or services to be purchased. In reaction, the seller explained the things he wanted to know the buyer, the buyer did finally order and business transactions as the top buying and selling process.
In the letter of demand for the goods usually offer prospective buyers ask:
1. Name and type of goods.
2. Special characteristics (specifications) of goods, namely, the type, size, quality, capacity and others.
3. Unit price.
4. Pieces.
5. Method of payment.
6. Means of delivery.
7. Ease that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and other.

In addition to the above mentioned potential buyers asking price lists and catalogs (if the items varied) and a technical description of the goods in the form of leaflets or brochures. For items that allow, prospective buyers can also request a sample of goods actually sent.
By letter of demand and supply of services, prospective buyers can ask:
1. The form of services that can be presented by the seller.
2. Equipment used by the seller as a support (if any).
3. Price.
4. Pieces.
5. Method of payment;

In demand service offerings, potential buyers can also request a price list (according to the level of services to be provided). Usually all been included in the prospectus which has been prepared by the company selling services. Inquiry should not only be submitted to one seller, but to some sellers. This step was taken so that the price list and the information collected will be compared with each other to determine which one best suit your desires and financial ability of prospective buyers.
Example of an iquiry letter:

Reply of Inquiry Letter :

The letter that is written by a potential buyer to the seller requesting him to deliver goods is known as order letter. By writing inquiry letters, buyers can collect necessary information about the price, quality of goods and terms of sale. If the buyer finds the quoted price, quality of goods and terms of sales satisfactory, he places an order to supply goods in his address. The seller delivers the good according to the buyer’s order.
In modern time, sellers supply printed orders forms to the customers and customers place orders by filling up those printed order blanks. In this case, the printed order sheet or blank is considered as the order letter.

Definition of Order Letter
Through order letter, the potential buyers request the suppliers to deliver goods to them. In modern time, printed order blanks or purchase order forms supplied by the seller are typically used for placing orders. However, in absence of order blanks and purchase order forms, order letters are written. Such letters contain three major categories of information:
Information about the items being ordered.
Information relating to shipping.
Information relating to payment.

1. Information about the items being ordered.
An order letter must contain full particulars of goods ordered. Such information include the followings:
a. Product name
b. Brand name
c. Quantity
d. Catalog number
e. Model number
f. Color
g. Size
h. Weight
i. Unit price

2. Information relating to shipping.
Shipping information is very important. In absence of shipping information, there can arise misunderstanding between buyer and seller. Shipping information may include the followings:
a. Desired receipt date.
b. Desired shipping location.
c. Mode of shipping (rail, road, or waterways).

3. Information relating to payment.
Mode of payment of prices for the ordered items must be clearly indicated. The seller will accept the order letter only when both of them come to a common ground relation to payment of price. Payment information include the following:
a. Mode of payment (cash, cheque, draft)
b. Payment data
The above stated factors are usually included in order letter. However, the buyer can include any other instruction or element if he thinks necessary.

Example of an order letter:

Question about Inquiry Letter:
1. What is an inquiry letter?
Letter of request is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information about the products offered. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, and the sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased.
2. What is the position of Mr. John Lennon?
Mr. John Lennon as a Sales Manager.
3. When was the letter typed?
The letter was typed at 25th June 2009
4. What did Mr. John Lennon ask for?
The details of their product together with sample, terms of payment and the price list.
5. How did Mr. John Lennon know the advertisement?
Mr. John Lennon saw their advertisement in the “Metal Worker” few days ago.

Question about Order Letter:
1. What is an order letter?
An order letter is letter from a prospective buyer to the seller whose contents ask for quote.
2. What items does the Dandy Manufacturing, inc want to order?
Tiny blue widget, Deluxe yellow widget and Super deluxe red widget.
3. How many items ordered by Dandy Manufacturing, inc?
The number of items ordered is 450 units.
4. What method of delivery does Dandy Manufacturing, inc want?
Dandy Manufacturing, inc would like that’s order to ship COD
5. What should be done Better Widget Makers, inc if unable to complete the order within 10 days?
If  Better Widget Makers, inc can’t complete the order within 10 days, they must notify Dandy Manufacturing, inc immediately.

Reference :

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018


          A business letter is a letter made as proof of transaction, agreement or sale of certain goods between two or more agencies as well as companies that are carried out in business. A business letter is an official letter that has the force of law. Business letters are usually made with the aim of being a cooperation agreement, proof of delivery of goods, meeting invitations, invitations to conduct business events, etc.
          The Styles of Business Letters (Layouts of Business Letters) have undergone changes over the period of time. In the old times, the style was followed strictly. But recently liberty has been given to the business people to follow their own styles. Although no room was allowed for deviation form the standard form an effective letter during old days, the letters written then was more effective. There are still many business houses which use the old layout. But things have become much easier and business people have taken liberty in their approach towards adopting the layout of their business letters.


1. Full Block Style
          Full block format is considered the most formal of the three styles. In full block format or style, every line is left justified. The dateline is placed two to six line spaces below the last line of the heading or letterhead. The inside address placement varies depending upon the length of the letter. A common spacing is four line spaces below the date line. The salutation is placed two lines below the attention line (if an attention line is provided). The first line of the body is placed two lines below an attention line or two to four lines below the last inside address line. When using full block, paragraphs are single spaced, with a double space between paragraphs.
Example :

2. Modified Block Style
         Modified Block Style or Block Style is almost the same as Full Block Style. All parts of the letter except the date and greeting cover are typed starting from the same left edge line. The date and greeting cover are typed right next. Typing paragraphs, same as Full Block Style. Example:

3. Semi Blok Style
          Semi-block format or style is frequently called modified semi-block because it is a slightly less formal modification of full block format. This letter style places the date line in alignment with, or slightly to the right of dead center. Another option for placing the date line in semi-block is flush right. Similar to full block, semi-block places the inside address, salutation and any end notations flush with the left margin. However, unlike full block, each body paragraph of semi-block is indented five spaces. The complimentary close and signature block are aligned under the date.
Example :

4. Indented Style
           Indented style is somewhat more complicated than other popular styles of business writing. In indented style, new paragraphs in a piece of writing are indented that is, they begin about 1.5 centimeters to the right of the left margin. Other parts of a business letter are moved farther to the right half of the page. Indented style is one of the older formats for business writing currently in use, though other formats are becoming more popular. Indented style is a format that many of today’s business people were trained to use.
Example :

5. Simplified Style
          Simplified format or style unlike full block and semi-block has fewer internal parts. This format is also the most widely used format in professional correspondence. Simplified format is focused and professional without unnecessary formality. Simplified format places all internal parts in left alignment; however, the traditional salutation is replaced with an all-caps subject line that is also placed flush with the left margin. Body paragraphs are left aligned and single spaced within and double spaced between. In simplified style, the writer’s name and title, if necessary, are aligned with the left margin and typed in all caps at least five spaces below the last line of the body or message of the letter.
Example :

6. Hanging Indentation Stye
           A hanging indented letter style is when a paragraph is indented so that the first line hangs over the rest. Normally you would see a first line indent. This is when the first line is moved to the right and the rest of the paragraph starts at the margin. The most common place hanging indents are used is on a bibliography reference page. When typing you can change the indentation by either formatting the paragraph or changing the page margins.
Example :

1. Heading
     Most companies use letterhead--stationery with the company’s logo, name, address and other contact and identifying information. If the company does not have letterhead, the company’s full name and address should be typed at the top of the page.

2. Date
     Letters should always include a date. You enter dates two to six lines below the heading, depending on the length of the letter. Use the full month name spelled out, then the day, followed by a comma, and then the four-digit year, for example, June 6, 2010.

3. Addresses
     The address of the person receiving the correspondence includes formal name, street address, city, state and zip code. It is critical to double check the spelling of the person’s name. A misspelled name is careless, unprofessional and can negatively impact the response to the letter. Your letter should include the name of the addresses with her title (Ms. J. Jones, Dr. Charlene Price), followed by her company name and full address, including the postal code.

4. Salutation
     The salutation is your greeting. Most salutations begin with “Dear” followed by either the recipient’s first name, or title and last name. Endeavor to address all letters to an actual person. However, if you don’t know the person’s name, use Dear Madam/Sir, or the job title, such as Dear Accounting Manager.

5. Body of The Letter
    The body of the letter is where the bulk of information is shared. The body of the letter explains in detail all aspects of what is being communicated. This would include detail of the information being shared

6. Complimentary Close
     Always use a complimentary close. It is a short, polite closing followed by a comma. When the letter is impersonal, use “Yours truly.” If the letter is to someone above you in rank, use “Respectfully yours.” If you have a personal connection to the addressee, use “Sincerely” or “Sincerely yours.”

7. Typed Name
     Listed below the signature with the initial letter written in capital letters, without parentheses.The sender of the letter is the person who wrote or who delivered the letter. In a business letter it will be better if the sender's name is equipped with a personal identity, namely the position, employee's master number, and stamp. Example: Chief Executive Officer

8. Signature
   After the complementary closing, space is left for the signature that goes above the typed name and title of the person sending the letter. Use black or dark blue ink for your signature.

Reference :

Kamis, 03 Mei 2018

Penyelesaian Sengketa

Berikut beberapa pengertian istilah sengketa bisnis menurut para ahli :
Pengertian sengketa bisnis menurut Maxwell J. Fulton “a commercial disputes is one which arises during the course of the exchange or transaction process is central to market economy”. Dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia sengketa adalah pertentangan atau konflik. Konflik berarti adanya oposisi, atau pertentangan antara kelompok atau organisasi terhadap satu objek permasalahan.

Menurut Winardi, Pertentangan atau konflik yang terjadi antara individu – individu atau kelompok – kelompok yang mempunyai hubungan atau kepentingan yang sama atas suatu objek kepemilikan, yang menimbulkan akibat hukum antara satu dngan yang lain.

Dari pendapat diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Sengketa adalah perilaku pertentangan antara kedua orang atua lembaga atau lebih yang menimbulkan suatu akibat hukum dan karenanya dapat diberikan sanksi hukum bagi salah satu diantara keduanya.

 Penyelesaian sengketa secara damai bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengindarkan kekerasan atau peperangan dalam suatu persengketaan antar negara. Menurut pasal 33 ayat 1 (Perekonomian disusun sebagai usaha bersama berdasar atas asas kekeluargaan) Piagam PBB penyelesaian sengketa dapat ditempuh melalui cara-cara sebagai berikut:

1.      Negoisasi
Negosiasi adalah sebuah bentuk interaksi sosial saat pihak – pihak yang terlibat berusaha untuk saling menyelesaikan tujuan yang berbeda dan bertentangan. Menurut kamus Oxford, negosiasi adalah suatu cara untuk mencapai suatu kesepakatan melalui diskusi formal.
Negosiasi merupakan suatu proses saat dua pihak mencapai perjanjian yang dapat memenuhi kepuasan semua pihak yang berkepentingan dengan elemen-elemen kerjasama dan kompetisi.Termasuk di dalamnya, tindakan yang dilakukan ketika berkomunikasi, kerjasama atau memengaruhi orang lain dengan tujuan tertentu

Pola Perilaku dalam Negosiasi
a. Moving against (pushing): menjelaskan, menghakimi, menantang, tak menyetujui, menunjukkan kelemahan pihak lain.
b.    Moving with (pulling): memperhatikan, mengajukan gagasan, menyetujui, membangkitkan motivasi, mengembangkan interaksi.
c.      Moving away (with drawing): menghindari konfrontasi, menarik kembali isi pembicaraan, berdiam diri, tak menanggapi pertanyaan.
d.    Not moving (letting be): mengamati, memperhatikan, memusatkan perhatian pada “here and now”, mengikuti arus, fleksibel, beradaptasi dengan situasi.

Ketrampilan Negosiasi
a.     Mampu melakukan empati dan mengambil kejadian seperti pihak lain mengamatinya.
b.   Mampu menunjukkan faedah dari usulan pihak lain sehingga pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam negosiasi bersedia mengubah pendiriannya.
c.    Mampu mengatasi stres dan menyesuaikan diri dengan situasi yang tak pasti dan tuntutan di luar perhitungan.
d.   Mampu mengungkapkan gagasan sedemikian rupa sehingga pihak lain akan memahami sepenuhnya gagasan yang diajukan.
e.    Cepat memahami latar belakang budaya pihak lain dan berusaha menyesuaikan diri dengan keinginan pihak lain untuk mengurangi kendala.

Fungsi Informasi dan Lobi dalam Negosiasi
a.    Informasi memegang peran sangat penting. Pihak yang lebih banyak memiliki informasi biasanya berada dalam posisi yang lebih menguntungkan.
b. Dampak dari gagasan yang disepakati dan yang akan ditawarkan sebaiknya dipertimbangkan lebih dulu.
c.     Jika proses negosiasi terhambat karena adanya hiden agenda dari salah satu/ kedua pihak, maka lobyingdapat dipilih untuk menggali hiden agenda yang ada sehingga negosiasi dapat berjalan lagi dengan gagasan yang lebih terbuka.

Negosiasi merupakan bagian dari proses penyelesaian sengketa secara kompromi (kooperatif antar pihak) dengan tujuan pemecahan masalah bersama. Alternative penyelesaian sengketa melalui negosiasi ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan, yakni diantaranya adalah:
a.    Negosiasi memberi peluang yang sangat luas bagi para pihak untuk menentukan pilihan-pilihannya
b.     Tidak bergantung pada norma hukum tertulis
c.      Dapat memberikan ruang bagi para pihak untuk bisa menang secara bersama-sama.
d.    Semua pihak memperoleh kesempatan untuk menjelaskan berbagai persoalan dalam proses negosiasi.

Sedangkan yang menjadi kelemahan dari alternatif penyelesaian sengketa melalui lembaga negosiasi ini, yakni diantaranya adalah:
a.    Tidak ada kepercayaaan antara para pihak yang bersengketa dalam menyelesaiakan suatu sengketa tertentu.
b.    Dalam negosiasi seringkali yang terjadi adalah tidak ada satu upaya pun untuk mencoba saling mendengarkan kehendak dan keinginan masing-masing pihak yang sedang pihak.

Prasyarat Negoisasi yang efektif
a.Kemauan (Willingness) untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan bernegoisasi secara sukarela;
b.Kesiapan (Preparedness) melakukan negoisasi;
c.Kewenangan (authoritative) mengambil keputusan;
d. Keseimbangan kekuatan (equal bergaining power) ada sebagai saling ketergantungan;
e.Keterlibatan seluruh pihak (steaholdereship) dukungan seluruh pihak terkait;

2.      Mediasi
Mediasi adalah proses penyelesaian sengketa melalui proses perundingan atau mufakat para pihak dengan dibantu oleh mediator yang tidak memiliki kewenangan memutus atau memaksakan sebuah penyelesaian. Ciri utama proses mediasi adalah perundingan yang esensinya sama dengan proses musyawarah atau konsensus. Sesuai dengan hakikat perundingan atau musyawarah atau konsensus, maka tidak boleh ada paksaan untuk menerima atau menolak sesuatu gagasan atau penyelesaian selama proses mediasi  berlangsung. Segala sesuatunya harus memperoleh persetujuan dari para pihak.

Mediasi juga merupakan suatu cara penyelesaian sengketa melalui pihak ketiga. Yang menjadi pihak ketiga ini organisasi internasional, negara ataupun individu. Pihak ketiga ini dalam sengketa ini dinamakan mediator.

Fungsi utamanya adalah mencari solusi (penyelesaian) mengidentifikasi, hal-hal yang dapat disepakati para pihak serta membuat usulan-usulan yang dapat mengakhiri sengketa, informal, dan bersifat aktif. Dalam proses negoisasi sesuai dengan pasal 3 dan 4 haque convention on the pacific settlement of disputes (1907) yang menyatakan bahwa usulan-usulan yang diberikan mediator janganlah dianggap sebagai suatu tindakan yang bersahabat terhadap suatu pihak (yang merasa merugikan).

Dengan demikian ada 4 hal yang mendasar dari pengertian mediasi tersebut, yaitu :
a.Adanya sengketa yang harus diselesaikan
b. Penyelesaian melalui perundingan
c.Tujuan perundingan untuk memperoleh kesepakatan
d.Peranan Mediator dalam membantu penyelesaian

Alternatif penyelesaian sengketa melalui negosiasi ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan, yakni diantaranya adalah:
a.Keputusan yang hemat
b.Penyelesaian secara cepat
c. Hasil yang memuaskan bagi seluruh pihak
d. Kesepakatan yang komprehensif
e.Keputusan-keputusan yang bisa dilaksanakan

Sedangkan yang menjadi kelemahan satu-satunya yang ada pada proses mediasi terletak pada kekuatan eksekusi para pihak setelah mencapai kesepakatan. Karena kesepakatan dicapai dengan cara suka rela, maka eksekusi atas kesepakatan itu pun juga dengan kondisi yang suka rela pula. Oleh karena itu proses mediasi hanya akan efektif diterapkan pada para pihak yang benar-benar secara suka rela menghendaki perselisihan diselesaikan secara mediasi. Dengan demikian, mengandung konsekuensi bahwa mediator serta hal-hal lain selama proses mediasi pun tetap secara suka rela harus diterima oleh kedua belah pihak yang bersengketa.

Manfaat Mediasi :
a.   Penyelesaian cepat terwujud (quick). Rata-rata kompromi di antara pihak sudah dapat terwujud dalam satu minggu atau paling lama satu atau dua bulan. Proses pencapaian kompromi, terkadang hanya memerlukan dua atau tiga kali pertemuan di antara pihak yang bersengketa.

b.Biaya Murah (inexpensive). Pada umumnya mediator tidak dibayar. Jika dibayarpun, tidak mahal. Biaya administrasi juga kecil. Tidak perlu didampingi pengacara, meskipun hal itu tidak tertutup kemungkinannya. Itu sebabnya proses mediasi dikatakan tanpa biaya atau nominal cost.

c.Bersifat Rahasia (confidential). Segala sesuatu yang diutarakan para pihak dalam proses pengajuan pendapat yang mereka sampaikan kepada mediator, semuanya bersifat tertutup. Tidak terbuka untuk umum seperti halnya dalam proses pemeriksaan pengadilan (there is no public docket). Juga tidak ada peliputan oleh wartawan (no press coverage).

d.Bersifat Fair dengan Metode Kompromi. Hasil kompromi yang dicapai merupakan penyelesaian yang mereka jalin sendiri, berdasar kepentingan masing-masing tetapi kedua belah pihak sama-sama berpijak di atas landasan prinsip saling memberi keuntungan kepada kedua belah pihak. Mereka tidak terikat mengikuti preseden hukum yang ada. Tidak perlu mengikuti formalitas hukum acara yang dipergunakan pengadilan. Metode penyelesaian bersifat pendekatan mencapai kompromi. Tidak perlu saling menyodorkan pembuktian. Penyelesaian dilakukan secara: (a) informal, (b) fleksibel, (c) memberi kebebasan penuh kepada para pihak mengajukan proposal yang diinginkan.

e.Hubungan kedua belah pihak kooperatif. Dengan mediasi, hubungan para pihak sejak awal sampai masa selanjutnya, dibina diatas dasar hubungan kerjasama (cooperation) dalam menyelesaikan sengketa. Sejak semula para pihak harus melemparkan jauh-jauh sifat dan sikap permusuhan (antagonistic). Lain halnya berperkara di pengadilan. Sejak semula para pihak berada pada dua sisi yang saling berhantam dan bermusuhan. Apabila perkara telah selesai, dendam kesumat terus membara dalam dada mereka.

3. Arbitase
Istilah arbitrase berasal dari kata “Arbitrare” (bahasa Latin) yang berarti “kekuasaan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu perkara menurut kebijaksanaan”.

Arbitrase yaitu penyelesaian sengketa melalui badan arbitrase. Artinya, penyelesaian atau pemutusan sengketa oleh seorang hakim atau para hakim berdasarkan persetujuan bahwa  para pihak akan tunduk pada atau menaati keputusan yang diberikan oleh hakim atau para hakim yang mereka pilih atau mereka tunjuk.

Berdasarkan UU no. 30 tahun 1999 Pasal 1 (1), yakni cara penyelesaian suatu sengketa perdata di luar peradilan umum yang didasarkan pada perjanjian arbitrase yang dibuat secara tertulis oleh para pihak yang bersengketa.

Azas- Azas Arbitrase
a.Azas kesepakatan, artinya kesepakatan para pihak untuk menunjuk seorang atau beberapa oramg arbiter.
b.Azas musyawarah, yaitu setiap perselisihan diupayakan untuk diselesaikan secara musyawarah, baik antara arbiter dengan para pihak maupun antara arbiter itu sendiri;
c.   Azas limitatif, artinya adanya pembatasan dalam penyelesaian perselisihan melalui arbirase, yaiu terbatas pada perselisihan-perselisihan di bidang perdagangan dan hak-hak yang dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh para pihak;
d.Azas final and binding, yaitu suatu putusan arbitrase bersifat puutusan akhir dan mengikat yang tidak dapat dilanjutkan dengan upaya hukum lain, seperi banding atau kasasi. Asas ini pada prinsipnya sudah disepakati oleh para pihak dalam klausa atau perjanjian arbitrase.

Tujuan Arbitrase
Sehubungan dengan asas-asas tersebut, tujuan arbitrase itu sendiri adalah untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan dalam bidang perdagangan dan hak dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh para pihak, dengan mengeluarkan suatu putusan yang cepat dan adil, Tanpa adanya formalitas atau prosedur yang berbelit-belit yang dapat yang menghambat penyelisihan perselisihan.

Kelebihan penyelesaian sengketa melalui arbitrase :
a. Kerahasiaan sengketa para pihak terjamin;
b.Dapat dihindari kelambatan yang diakibatkan karena hal prosedural dan administratif;
c.Para pihak dapat memilih arbiter yang memiliki pengalaman dan latar belakang yang cukup mengenai masalah yang disengketakan, secara jujur dan adil
d.Para pihak dapat menentukan pilihan hukum untuk menyelesaikan masalah serta proses dan tempat penyelenggaraan arbitrase; dan
e.Putusan arbiter merupakan putusan yang mengikat para pihak melalui prosedur sederhana dan langsung dapat dilaksanakan.

Kelemahan penyelesaian sengketa melalui arbitrase:
a. Putusan arbitrase sangat tergantung pada kemampuan teknis arbiter untuk memberikan  putusan yang memuaskan kepada kedua belah pihak. Karena walaupun arbiter adalah seorang ahli, namun belum tentu dapat memuaskan para pihak;
b.Tidak terikat dengan putusan arbitrase sebelumnya, atau tidak mengenal legal precedence. Oleh karena itu, bisa saja terjadi putusan arbitrase yang berlawanan dan bertolak  belakang;
c.  Pengakuan dan pelaksanaan atau eksekusi putusan arbitrase bergantung pada pengakuan dan kepercayaan terhadap lembaga arbitrase itu sendiri;
d. Proses arbitrase ini akan memakan waktu, tenaga serta biaya yang lebih mahal, jika ada salah satu pihak yang belum puas dan masih ingin memperkarakan putusan arbitrase


4. Perbandingan Antara Perundingan

Perbandingan antara Perundingan, Arbitrase, dan Litigasi (Peradilan)

Yang mengatur
Para pihak
Agak formal sesuai dengan rule
Sangat formal dan teknis
Jangka waktu
(3-6 minggu)
Agak cepat
(3-6 bulan)
(2 tahun lebih)
(low cost)
Terkadang sangat mahal
Sangat mahal
Aturan pembuktian
Tidak perlu
Agak informal
Sangat formal dan teknis
Terbuka untuk umum
Hubungan para pihak
Fokus penyelesaian

For the future
Masa lalu
(the past)
Masa lalu
(the past)
Metode negosiasi
Sama keras pada prinsip hukum
Sama keras pada prinsip hukum
Memperbaiki yang sudah lalu
Jalan buntu
Jalan buntu
Selalu ditolak dan mengajukan oposisi
Ditolak dan mencari dalih
Bebas emosi